The Ballad of Brundlefly

Words: Chris Malme
To the tune of "The Old Woman Who Swallowed A Fly"
Inspired by the motion picture "The Fly"

A man called Seth Brundle turned into a fly
He didn't know why he turned into a fly
Perhaps he'll die.

The problem began with the matter transporter
He sent himself through and I don't think he oughta
'Cos poor old Seth Brundle turned into a fly,
He didn't know why he turned into a fly
Perhaps he'll die.

For in the transporter he wasn't alone,
A fly it snuck in while Seth talked on the phone
And thus it began with the matter transporter
He sent himself through and I don't think he oughta
'Cos poor old Seth Brundle turned into a fly,
He didn't know why he turned into a fly
Perhaps he'll die.

The call it was from his very best gal
His lover, his pal, his very best gal
So in the transporter he wasn't alone,
A fly it snuck in while Seth talked on the phone
And thus it began with the matter transporter
He sent himself through and I don't think he oughta
'Cos poor old Seth Brundle turned into a fly,
He didn't know why he turned into a fly
Perhaps he'll die.

The morale is clear, tell your loved ones right now
That calls to the office should not be allowed
And sing them the ballad of poor Brundle-Fly
And about the events that caused him to die
Then they'll know why!
Lyrics copyright © 1991 Filklore Music

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